Saturday, September 1, 2012

29th August - English & Surf meets up with Goxokiak!

Surf is a way to bring people together.

On Wednesday 29th of August, English & Surf Surf Club and a Diabetes Association Goxokiak gathered in Hendaye in order to give a group of kids an opportunity to explore and enjoy the secrets of surf together. We were happy to see that  so many enthusiastic kids and parents showed up on the beach during the day!

The day started with an introduction of both the Diabetes Association and the English & Surf Club members. After the formalities we kicked off the event by playing beach volley.

Before going in the water the kids also had their lunch to take care of the right blood sugar rates before getting on with the water sports.

Time to fit the wetsuits!

Choose your board!

Guy helping the kids to find the right position on the board.

Team work!

Hendaye offered an ideal place for the kids to try surfing since the waves were small and it was easy to catch the white water. The water was full of happy smiling faces and laughter as both the kids and their parents enjoied the excitement of catching the waves.